Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another Bone From The Pile

"Wizards of the Coast are just out to make money!" "They just completed 3.5 Edition, why create 4th edition so soon?" "[Wizards] has killed the spirit of the game."

The time has come for someone to say it... QUIT YOUR BITCHING!!!
Time to face facts:

1. Wizards is a corporation... they need to pay their employees if they plan to continue releasing quality gaming products.

2. The second quote defeats itself... they COMPLETED 3.5 edition, the time has come to look at the new. If you prefer 3.5 edition, STICK to it... no one said you had to buy 4th ed.

3. 4th edition IS a quality product, well thought out, and better balanced than any other edition I have seen yet, and I have played them ALL. If putting out a quality product and making a competitive wage while doing it is destroying the spirit of the game, then perhaps. I somehow don't see it that way.

4. From DM / Fair Play player perspective, 4th Ed is ANTI power-gamer, and anti-munchkin… not flawlessly so, but you can spot the problems and NERF them pretty fast.

I, for one, was a little skeptical at the time that 4th Ed was announced, but grew to like it after a week of being mildly upset. I realized I was put off when 3.5 came out, and came to enjoy the changes made... I have read, cover to cover, the 3 source books released so far, and found that I REALLY love the new power system, as well as the simplified aspects of the game.

As an example for those of you who have access to the 4th ed sources (or a lenient bookstore), you have to admit that they have finally done with ranger what they have been trying to do for YEARS. They managed to create a focused fighter with EITHER two-weapon OR ranged focus and superiority (as opposed to the attempt in 3.5 which was defeated by taking a few feats and allowing you to do BOTH pretty easily)... 2 distinct paths, but same character flavor.

Bad news, though for those 3.5ed clerics whom have like to have 20+ different sourcebooks open each day to pray for spells, please don't buy this game, it's not like you'll miss the fact that you're no longer a healing battery nicknamed "Energizer Bunny Priest"

Energizer the Healer

*Toss* The Dragon has picked this one over well enough for today.
Want to add a bone to the pile? Email
Plenty of bones left, check back often, I plan to update as often as Real Life (the bane of my existence) allows, sooner if I get enough submissions to get me thinking.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree regarding the corporation comments. I was a bit saddened when I first heard that they were selling out to video-game semantics, but it sounds like it resulted in a better system. Haven't read the books yet, but I plan to - although, I plan to not stop my 3.5 habit.